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Monday, January 19, 2009

Buying Smart with Grocery Smarts

I was raised by THE queen of sales and couponing!! There isn't much more that makes my mom giddy with excitement than finding killer bargains (besides of course, all the amazing things she can grow in her garden...she's just an all around FABULOUS person). Over the years I've come to appreciate finding deals and saving money. I even started to save coupons (and use them on the rare occasion I remembered to pull them out before I swiped my card). But to be honest, clipping coupons, keeping them organized, and asking myself over and over "Is this sale really a good deal or just a gimmick to pull me in, the wanna-be sale savvy shopper?"

Then I found Grocery Smarts, a website (that's totally and completely FREE, I might add) that coordinates all the weekly sales with coupons found in your Sunday paper! even rates the sale and tells you how good it really is...brilliant!! I've become obsessed at saving because it's so EASY! And at least once a week, I feel that same giddy feeling when I find a fantastic bargain. I'm sure my mom beams with pride every time I call to tell her all about it! I get so excited I want to share the deals with everyone I know, so I decided I'd become a Grocery Smarts instructor and share it with everyone!! So, there you have it. It's easy, and truly, I look forward to grocery shopping every week. You will to!